Invisible Cities
The process-oriented performance project INVISIBLE CITIES INNSBRUCK explores, documents and discusses a variety of these lived perspectives and invisible versions of the city. It all began with the reinterpretation of the novel “Invisible Cities” by Italo Calvino and ended with the investigation to find new possibilities to make art together in a time of social distancing.
Sonic World of the Between
“Sonic Worlds of the Between” explores the “unheard” sonic dimension of the City. The artists were working with the collected sounds of the city and made audible what sometimes in everyday life is not heard! Al the artworks developed – involve collective effort! As such, “Sonic Worlds of the Between”, symbolizes the possibility of collaborative exploration and development of the forms of social coexistence.
Im Rahmen der ersten Phase von „Magic Carpets Creative Europe Platform” hat openspace.innsbruck die beiden sozial engagierten Künstler*innen Ninutsa Shatberashvili aus Tiflis, Georgien und Daniela Palimariu aus Bukarest, Rumänien nach Innsbruck eingeladen.
Invisible Cities
The process-oriented performance project INVISIBLE CITIES INNSBRUCK explores, documents and discusses a variety of these lived perspectives and invisible versions of the city. It all began with the reinterpretation of the novel “Invisible Cities” by Italo Calvino and ended with the investigation to find new possibilities to make art together in a time of social distancing.
Sonic World of the Between
“Sonic Worlds of the Between” explores the “unheard” sonic dimension of the City. The artists were working with the collected sounds of the city and made audible what sometimes in everyday life is not heard! Al the artworks developed – involve collective effort! As such, “Sonic Worlds of the Between”, symbolizes the possibility of collaborative exploration and development of the forms of social coexistence.